DeFoam 3000 Fast-Acting Defoamer

It is possible to knockback and control foam quickly and without silicone. DeFoam 3000 is the concentrated product you need in aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment systems. It’s fast-acting, easy to apply, and has an easy-to-manage dosing schedule because its effects are longer-lasting. 

This organic solution incorporates essential oils that directly act on surface tension, reducing foam quickly. The foam deflates when it encounters the monomolecular film created by the distribution of the product.  Then, DeFoam 3000 biologically acts on foam-causing agents to reduce the overall foam. The action is designed to work with your biological system without disruption. This is achieved without emulsifiers and silicones. It’s safe to use in aerobic and anaerobic processes. The results are longer lasting compared to silicone defoamers – and the essential oils smell sweeter.

DeFoam 3000 is ultra-concentrated, which means low dosing rates are required. Call us to determine what dose will work for you.

DeFoam3000 is an ultra-concentrated product to control foam in wastewater plants.


DeFoam 3000 is fast-acting and long-lasting, relatively insoluble in water, and easily applied. Depending on your aerobic or anaerobic system you can apply by surface spray, direct product dump or metered injection system.

If your de-foaming needs include Microthrix Parvicella, then use a combined approach with Foam Buster or Qwik-Zyme L for the best possible impact, because you’ve addressed the foam cycle by digesting grease and cutting off food sources for the Microthrix Parvicella.

Why not silicone?

Silicone-based defoamers can be harmful to bacterial life in aerobic or anaerobic systems.

We recommend choosing a product like DeFoam 3000 that works with the living biological systems in your wastewater system.


Foam control


Municipal wastewater 

Industrial wastewater (with grease accumulation)

Agriculture *we offer custom consulting for agriculture clients who need to control foam quickly without silicone. 

  • Dairy 
  • Manure Pits



Aerobic and anaerobic wastewater systems

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