

Respond quickly to toxicity-related system upsets as a wastewater operator. There’s a rising use of disinfectants in wastewater systems. Especially quaternary amines and bleach from food companies and institutions, which must sterilize facilities. The need to kill harmful bacteria with increasing amounts of disinfectants pushes a new problem down into the wastewater system. For many operators, this has led to an increase in toxins coming down the drain with negative impacts on good bacteria inside wastewater systems.

CounterQuat was specifically developed to mitigate against increased toxicity, especially quaternary amines. It protects wastewater bacteria by strengthening bacterial cell structure to resist the biological “kill” mechanism of quats and other toxins. This means an operator will be able to better maintain, and if necessary, rebuild their wastewater bacteria population.

This is an industry-leading technology, that moves the science of responding to toxicity and system upsets forward in a positive direction.

To address toxicity-related system upsets use CounterQuat, which is delivered to operators in barrels.


Bacteria have a natural shield against toxins, a Polyprotein Matrix. CounterQuat strengthens this natural shield to improve bacteria survival when toxins are introduced into a system.

Operators can recognize the early warning signs of toxicity-related system upsets. One of the key indicators of toxins, like Quats, wastewater systems are the signs of bacteria dying, including floc separation and cloudiness (an increase in TSS). These developments almost always include a loss of nitrification.

Quick action is recommended to ensure the continued survival of remaining bacteria in a system. CounterQuat is easy for an operator to use. It’s a liquid that directly supports the strength and vitality of bacteria in the system.

When toxins are acute in a system, their impact can be enormous and immediate. Even long-term low levels of toxins can have a large impact, especially in cold water or other adverse conditions.


Upset recovery




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Contact Algae Control Canada


  • algae blooms
  • bad odours
  • fish kills
  • high pH and TSS levels
  • summer turnovers
  • excessive weeds


  • Private lakes & ponds
  • industrial wastewater treatment
  • storm water ponds
  • tailing ponds
  • industrial & agriculture